www.paratexas.com--- PHOTO PAGE ONE OF THREE--- Best viewed on FULL PAGE |
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Linda, on the UK Isle of Wight England sends us this curious lighting anamoly which ocurred in daylight. We sent this photo to Ed Voss, photo expert in the Netherlands...He states that he can find no camera , light reflection, or photo defect, and frankly has no explanation for the phenomenon other than paranormal. Almost looks like a miniature UFO, doesn't it ? |
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Christmas Eve ghost Rich's Dad, who passed in 1997 at the age of 79,appears in a photo taken by Rich on Christmas Eve 2004, at his home in Texas. The photo was taken at 2 AM on the first ever recorded snowfall on Christmas eve in this part of southeast Texas. He is quite recognizable by Rich and other members of the family as is his pekenese dog which he holds under his right arm. An EVP session that night also revealed his voice as well as messages from other spirits who were with him |
K. Warren took this great soldier ghost photo in a very old cemetery in East Texas. Many graves there are unmarked except for the sunken appearance of the ground. Good one ! |
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Beth, from Oklahoma City writes: I'm going to attach a picture we took in front of the Whaley House. My first reaction to it was amazement, but then my logical side came up with logical explanations for it. Rich and Mary's reply: Wow....nothing logical about two ghost riders on a horse! You can clearly see the rider on back is a woman wearing a bonnet and with hair flowing in the wind. Of course this isn't the first time the Whaley has lived up to its reputation ! |
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An old military barracks, deserted exceptfor an ominous spirit presence, quietly weathers a snow storm. LISA,
in Anchorage, Alaska, sends these 3
great "spooky" ectoplasm photos......
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:I went to the very back of our barnyard at the property line. It was very dark, quiet, heavily wooded, and I had not been at this spot before at night. I got a sense of discomfort here, and that is not like me. I have been in cemetaries at dark before by myself and not been nervous.I shot three quick photos and headed back away from the dense brush. Here's what the pic showed, and the ones before and after were normal. Mary spotted the animal images immediately. I had not yet noticed them. |
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A HOSTILE SITE.......... Lisa
states; "....this is the site of a murder. A man killed and dismembered
his wife in 1997. He was shot and killed by the police when they came
....It is a hostile site. I didn't let anyone go back alone after we
took this...
you make out an arm with a knife, a face, and an Orb ? Is that a "demon"
in bottom right area?
sends us this great apparition of
little girl appearing in the hallway of a haunted house. Lisa says
she is
sure of this one...Why ?
she actually heard the girl speak !
Cara, from Cincinnati decided to see what kind of photos could be made from cigarette smoke. Rich says : A word to the wise folks.....This is NOT a vortex--it is SMOKE !.... thanks Cara ! |
Debbie, from Hampton, Va. sends us this fine cemetery "ectoplasm" photo. It was taken over a grave that was previously vandalised by a group of teens who later that same night had a bad auto acccident. The teen who had opened the grave on a dare was killed. |
Dallas, Tx,sends this apparition
photo of a dark robed
figure looking thru a
cemetery fence.
states that while on a family outing,he snappedthe
spooky picture at Western Heights Cemetery in Dallas.This
is the burial place of Clyde Barrow...perhapsthe
grim reaper looks after the remains of the notoriuscriminal........
MYSTERIOUS WINGED IMAGE APPEARS in this amazing photo sent to us by Jackie, a member of the yahoo Universal Orbs Group |
Pat Shuck, founder of G.H.O.S.T sends us this spooky pic taken by a member of his group while in an old cemetery in North central Indiana. The more you look, the more you see ! |
captured this great ghostly image
near a tombstone in a cemetery.
Unusual Orb grouping of unknownorigin.Perhaps one or more Orbs in motion, what's your guess ? Alien in woodwork? (Thanks to Maria and Pat) |
from viewers in S.E. Texas "........located near our famous "Ghost or Bragg Light Road" here in Southeast Texas. The cemetery is quite old and pretty far back in the Big Thicket woods......." NEXT PAGE HAUNTED PHOTOS © 2002 www.paratexas.com |
caught this little fella trying to peek intoour
porch window. Marys always runningaround
the house in her nightie.....lol