A method of contacting your sub-conscious and the spirit world

How to do it....

It is important to remember when contacting the spirit world, that our intentions must be clear and morally above board. Spirit guides will not co-operate with a selfish or egotistical agenda, and forget trying to bring undeserved wealth to oneself, (although it is possible to help bring good fortune to an honorable purpose or project).

If your purpose for desiring spiritual contact is honest, does not intend harm to anyone or generate ill will or fear, chances are your questions will be answered, and your efforts rewarded. Never forget also, that our present existance is indeed that of the physical realm, and we must always remain grounded and in control of our awareness of the spirit world lest we be drawn into relying on spirit contact for mundane daily decisions. Such spirit world contacts are best used for important events which are designed to bring hope and truth to a needy individual,( yourself included)..

The spirits are only too eager to assist, but will turn away the one who misuses the communication.

by Rich - Chief Investigator of Paranormal Investigations of Texas, and author of "Everyplace I Go Is Haunted"

Let's get on with it !


The pendulum technique is great for the will find that the more you use it, the faster your psychic skills will improve and lead you into more efficient methods of spirit talk.

First, you'll need to construct your pendulum. As in the picture above, a string with a small object at the end will be the basic design. You will find that putting a little more time and effort into constructing the pendulum will be beneficial to the way your subconscious mind assists (or not) you in your endeavors.

For instance, when I decided to try the pendulum for the first time, I looked up information on my astrological gem stones and metals, and decided that a gold chain and a pendulum made from an authentic crystal would be best for me. I wanted to do it right. However, I had trouble finding a crystal of the appropriate size and shape, and found myself impatiently using a gold chain with a bauble on the end which looked pretty, but was not what I had wanted to start with. As a result, when I tried the pendulum the first time nothing happened. I had been thinking about my impatience and asked the question "was the pendulum satisfactory in its construction?"....The answer- a resounding and immediate "NO". Then the question "Should I go ahead and find the crystal?" Again, a resounding "YES"

And that only serves once again to show one that intention and attitude are important when dealing with the spirit world. I had not made a good impression by my impatience, and by not doing as I had indicated that I would !

I recommend the length of the pendulum be approximately four to six inches. You can adjust this to your own preference, and you will find that the length tends to affect how fast the pendulum swings and how fast it slows back down after answering.

Setting your elbow on the table in front of you, hold the string or chain as it is shown in the picture on this page . Underneath the pendulum will be a paper upon which you will draw a circle with a plus (+) sign inside. The idea is to indicate that a "YES" answer will swing up and down, as you shake your head for yes, and the left to right direction (as you would shake your head to say no) will indicate a "NO"answer from the pendulum swing. You can also designate a circular swing in a clockwise direction to "I don't know", or "I don't want to answer".

Now this is just the basic set up. You will no doubt decide to construct some other more complex charts for your pendulum answers as you get more proficient at its use. For instance, many have constructed a chart with a half circle upon which pie slice sections have been drawn to represent as many as a half dozen or more indications of answers. Some have even used tables of this type with the alphabet, making the pendulum similar to a Ouija board.

In respect to the Ouija board, is strictly not advised for a beginner to use the Ouija because it can open portals through which many kinds of spirits may enter. The beginner usually does not have the psychic experience or control of energy to risk admitting a negative spirit through the portal.

While first using the pendulum, our answers are limited to yes and no answers only, until one gains the necessary control and experience. Usually, it is best to start by asking permission to contact your own subconscious. You then can begin to learn how to talk with the "inner self" and gain information about your own self that will amaze you. You will find that the subconscious never intentionally lies, but it does use a different language to express itself. Some answers will require interpretation, which is best accomplished by the individual doing the dowsing.

I strongly advise a trip to the library for some books on the subconscious mind, and dream analysis. It's not that complicated, it's interesting, and will help you immensely in your study of the paranormal.

Your first question you should ask with your pendulum is "May I have permission to speak with my subconscious mind ?" You will gain much insight as you ask, and receive answers to personal questions about such things as health, bad habits and their causes and solutions, relationships, and such...Avoid asking for predictions ("will I get that job", etc.,instead try to ask questions about your own good and bad issues with a job)

Remember. all your questions as a beginner will be stated to allow only a yes or no answer. As you get more familiar with your own subconscious and the unique way of communicating with it, you will find ways to explore more important issues by making new charts with more descriptive answer options. It's all up to your own efforts and how diligently you apply yourself.

And finally, when you have made progress into understanding your own subconscious, you will ask it the "magic question"....."May I have permission to ask to speak to my spirit guide ?"

And then, when you get your "yes" answer to that question, you will be off to the most exciting, and life changing, adventure of your life....

When you find yourself gaining insight into the subconscious realm, and are nearly ready for spirit guide contact, it will be necessary to learn some of the basics of meditation and focusing. Atmosphere and clearing negativity are important aspects of attaining a high level of success.

After becoming proficient at dowsing and meditation methods, you will be anxious to progress to automatic writing techniques. This will enable you to have complete conversations in detail with your spirit guides, an experience which will change your life forever....

Our next article is on the further study of automatic writing as a tool for corroborating spirit contact in EVP studies. Our last article in the series will be an introduction to focusing awareness, meditation, and self hypnosis techniques.