throughout the year. To qualify, one
must submit material or demonstrate
profIciency in one or more of the
following areas.
1. submit unusual paranormal
photos or project (such as EVP)
that is selected for viewing on
the website.
2. Exhibit qualities of enthusiasm,
perserverance, and adherance to
proper protocol and standards
suitable for scrutiny
by investigative peers.
3. Demonstrate excellence in form,
composition, technique, etc.
This may include documentation
and narrative skills.
Awards in this category will be in the
form of a "Certificate of Award" suitable
for framing. The Webmaster shall be the
judge of these award selections. Any
individual can win this award more than
once, but for different selected tasks
and/or submissions.
The CLUB AWARD shall have the same
requirements as the SPOTLIGHT AWARD
except that proficiency is demonstrated by,
and award given to, the group as a whole.
One certificate, suitable for framing is
awarded to the group. Copies may be
ordered for a fee, or the club may arrange
for copies to be made for each member
The BLUE RIBBON EXCELLENCE AWARD is given to all whose submissions are selected for viewing on the web site. It could be a photo, an EVP selection, an article or editorial, or anything entertaining that may be chosen. You will receive a "Blue Ribbon" with the Paranormal Investigations of Texas gold seal. We will require a "snail mail" address to send you the ribbon award.