EVP as a tool for coroborating the acquisition of spirit communication through auto writing......

Note in these photos that Rich and Frances are simultaneously using EVP digital recording techniques to corroborate automatic writing. (Recorders are on vest and shirt...)

LEFT: Rich watches Frances, an automatic writing psychic, as she contacts spirits in an old building in historical Galveston, Texas. Surrounding Rich and Frances is an entire Television film crew documenting the action for a TV series pilot.

It's not hard to tell in this photo where the psychic energy is...Here Frances is using automatic writing to channel spirits who have gathered in the building, and as Frances talks to a young girl and her mother who have passed, two orbs appear above and stay with her.......

Combining the techniques of psychic clairevoyance and Electronics Voice Phenomena

Paranormal Investigations of Texas is breaking new ground with combined techniques of spirit contact through EVP and channeled communications by psychics.. We have been successful in recording the voices of spirits as they are simultaneously channeled by psychics, giving a degree of documentation rarely seen in field work.

Extraordinary levels of two way spirit communication were achieved in the filmed documentary above, and studies to improve methods are being pursued daily by In the above mentioned film documentary, we joined forces with other paranormal investigative groups and found that unique results can be obtained by grouping experienced special individuals with common goals in mind.